That's what we say in our house when our dogs show signs of dominating one another (that's putting it nicely).
Today's run well it just wasn't pretty. And not for the same reason-ahem! It was just a really hard run today. I felt on empty when I started and about mile 9 I was ready for it to be over. My pace was all over the place from 7:58-11 minute miles, just crazy. I got really bad cramps in my middle toes on both feet which stayed through the last 2 miles. I tried to wiggle them but it was pretty excruciating. I just had no energy. I manage to do 13 miles but it was one of the hardest runs I have done. I know this is good training, teaching my mind to push through pain and fatigue, but it wasn't fun. I am going to start tapering next Saturday and hope that race day will be a better experience. Happy its over and happy I got in my goal.
You did a half marathon today!!!! That's awesome! Running goes like that though doesn't it - great days and not so good ones. We all have them.
Way to finish the run, there will be days like that...
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