So this leads me to where I am physically and what my short term goals are. First, the past few years and lack of consistent running have aided me in packing on some weight, sigh...I need to loose about 15-okay more like 20lbs. I am at a weight that is unfamiliar and uncomfortable. A lot of what I have read about running to loose weight is not very promising. I know that I HAVE to loose this weight especially if I'm going to survive training in Houston's humidity. My plan is to view food as fuel, and to eat around my runs keeping myself fueled enough to continue working on my running goals. I am a relatively healthy eater, but I can't afford to feed any of my vices if I want to get this weight off. It is not an issue of vanity, it really is the last thing I see that is a painful reminder of a time of great failure in my life and I want victory over this. It remains the last thing to put behind me. I plan to talk about this more in future post's, share some of my eating strategies and may be so brave to post before and after photos. Secondly, and the part that really excites me is the fact that I am actually training for some races this year. I have not raced in a loooong time. Considering the years I have run overall I would like to be much farther along on my training but I need to be realistic and careful. So for now I have 2 goals with my training.
1. To build my base mileage in preparation for running the half-marathon distance.
2. To run relaxed while pushing my pace. (This is not speed work. I'm trying to find my cadence...)
If all goes well with these goals I hope to begin the hill/speed work phase possibly in February. I will see how my weight loss is going and how my legs are holding up. Well my friends there you have it! It has been a tough post to share yet one I hope brings glory to God. As He did in 2010 I know He will do in 2011 and that is to bring meaning, purpose, strength, hope, and grace to my life through the victories and through the failures. He is the reason I run. I think Eric Lidell described it best when he said:
"When I run I feel His pleasure."
I wish you all a blessed New Year.
Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.
Hello Terri - I'm sorry for the struggles that you and your family have been through, but I'm sure it's been a learning process and "what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger." So it's looking like you have made it through some dark times and you have returned to what you love and need - running. Isn't it amazing how therapeutic running can be?
As for the weight goals. You can do it, for sure. The hardest part will be keeping the focus on the goal. With your recent return to training, this will be a challenge because with the added mileage and then eventually increasing the intensity, the appetite will rise. Urgh! For me, adding lots of veggies (I don't really like them) helps with keeping the hunger down.
some staples for me when I'm trying to drop lbs. (avocados, peanut butter, and nuts in moderation. carrots, spinach, egg white omelets, or 1 whole egg and then extra egg whites, apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, green tea. I cut WAY back on bread, and try to limit the sweets (I hate that part). Can't live without pizza, or my Dove dark chocolate so I allow those in moderation. I also allow treats so that I don't go CRAZY.
Currently, (always) I want to drop 5-10 lbs. so hopefully we can motivate each other to keep the focus on the goal.
Ginny thank you so much for your kindness and nutrition ideas! This will be hard but I am going to really focus. I want to get this behind me. I tell myself I can keep working on my training and loose weight. I would love to hear more about how things go for you trying also to drop a few pounds!
Sorry you've had such a rough time. I'm glad things seem to be going better and that you're looking forward to some races. I like the changes you've made on your blog.
Thanks Tina, if I have learned one thing it is Gods timing is perfect! I played with the blog this weekend hoping to make room for future race result pictures on the side bar=) I'm still trying to figure out some things technically.
Terri, this was such an exciting post to read - I could see "thrive" the whole way through it! So sorry you have had such a tough time this past year or so. But so excited to see that you have signed up for a half marathon - I actually saw the widget on the right before reading your post and thought "woohooo! Good for Terri, she's doing a half......in 26 days time!"
I really need to get back to running.
Looks like 2011 is going to be a great year! :)
Thank you Jane, you are always inspiring me. I couldn't believe when I won a lottery spot in the Chevron Houston marathon. I signed up while we were still living in Oklahoma knowing we were moving but NEVER in my wildest dreams thought I would get picked. God knew long before I did this was all gonna work out. He is such a great God!
ahh terri! so SO excited to see what God has done, is doing, and will do in your life this year! he's brought you this far with awesome plans to prosper you!
it truly is like a new beginning being where you are!
i am looking forward to encouraging you through this journey. (the nutrition part for me is the absolute hardest!!)
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