
Thursday, May 28

The Running Redeemed

Another cool morning run. The weather here is wonderful, It was around 56 degrees and my arms were actually a little cold the entire run. I ran 5 miles at the river. After breakfast and morning devotions the kids and I went to a track at a local school and I did 10 repeats of the stadium stairs. My legs felt like rubber afterward. I plan to do upper body weights today but I am a little tired right now so my motivation is not there.
My meditations today have been on redemption, " In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace". Ephesians 1:7 My heart has overflowed with gratitude as I pondered "the riches of His grace" His sacrifice was not a response to my worth but the overflow of His infinite worth! It’s all about the worth of Christ! It was His beauty not mine! His worth, His death, brought about the riches of God’s grace toward me the vilest of sinners. "By one sacrifice there is a full remission of all sin that ever was against a believer, or that ever will be against him...not a single sin shall ever stand against you, nor shall you ever be punished for a single sin; for every sin is forgiven, fully forgiven, so that not even part of the punishment shall be executed against you” C. H. Spurgeon.
These thoughts cause my tongue to unloose and " I sing for I cannot be silent; His love is the theme of my song. Redeemed, redeemed"...

This is the first picture I've ever taken of my food or drink=) My son asked me why I was taking it and I had to laugh. But here it is anyway a picture of what I drink after a run. It's my version of a recovery drink. I blend it in a blender and drink it with my supplements.


Much Ado said...

Oh, I just LOVE that Spurgeon quote, he just gets it spot on!

Love that you posted a pic of your food/drink! You guys seem to have a lot more options with different milks, whey, protein etc!

A run and the stairs - wow! Good for you. Are you finding running okay again, with the pain you were having?

Mary Ann said...

Good for you on the stadium stairs-I've never done that before.

Grace, grace, God's grace. Grace that is greater than all my sins!

Kim said...

I love that Charles Spurgeon quote, too!

I used to drink whey protein isolate in skim milk that a doctor friend recommended. That is a good choice for a protein supplement.

Good job on 10 times up and down the stadium steps! What a great workout!

Terri said...

Jane, I am still having some pain and it for whatever reason seems to be spreading down into the hip area. I'm not sure whats causing it but I just push through it. I hope it's just temporary. Thanks for asking.

Much Ado said...

Thanks for the update, I hope it is temporary for you too.