Mind: (the Word)
I have been spending a lot of time meditating on John chapters 13-17. This was Christ last conversations with His disciples before His crucifixion and resurrection. During my studies I wondered, if I knew this would be my last conversation with those that I love, if I wanted my thoughts and affections toward them to leave a lasting impression, what would I say? What would I do? I'm not sure washing 12 set of dirty feet would be on the top of my thoughts, yet this action best communicated Christ thoughts and affections at that time...I have so much to learn to be like Him.
Body: (health)
I have been really working on eating clean and already feel so much better. This was lunch on
Spirit: (healing)
Running has been back on track and after taking a little over a week off. I started back Monday with a 5 mile run which was a bit ambitious because I could hardly sit down with out holding on to something on Tues. oops! Tues. I took it easy with a 3 mile run. I took Wens. off to allow some of the soreness to subside and did a 3 mile run this morning. I've got my heart set on building back to higher mileage weeks and if the Lord allows I hope to be back on track by Spring. I am thankful my foot seems to be holding out well.
Little by little one walks far.
Glad to hear that things are calming down for you! The holidays can be tough to get off schedule. Keep plugging away!
Happy to hear that your foot feels fine! Take it slowly, though!
Yes, the holiday scheduled and sugar did a number on us too. Wish the out of town guests was over by now too...love them, but I need my life back. Just got a second set of relatives today, not a fan of double booking!
Cleat I have a long way to go to be more Christlike. We just read those chapters not too long ago, makes me want to weep.
Oops, meant clearly. Darn auto correct on my phone.
So glad to hear you haven't been having trouble with your foot!
Good to hear you are getting back on track! I love that section of scripture esp. John 13:34-35!
It's so nice to get back to normal... things are settling here too, except on the clean eating front! With a friend's baby shower yesterday and our daughter's party today, there's been a little too much junk consumed!
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