First let me start with a little explanation...a few years ago I met the wonderful Jane through blogland. Jane comes up with a "word and verse" every New Year. I liked the idea so much that I started doing that myself. The neatest thing happened, that one little word became a simple reminder of a goal or objective throughout the year. It would also serve as a mantra in running. Last year my word was "thrive" and sometimes saying that one word to myself would help me to re-focus on the bigger picture. This year after much wrestling contemplation I came up with my word;
Steadfast: marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable; firm and dependable especially in loyalty
Synonyms: permanent, abiding, enduring, lasting, steadfast, changeless, fixed, unchangeable, constant, persistent, durable, stable, unbendable, unshakable, unfaltering, steady, unwavering, undeviating, firm
Antonyms: inconstant, irresolute
Yesterday during my devotions this verse just seemed to be the key one to mark 2012;
"He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers". Psalm1:3Although it doesn't necessarily use the word steadfast, it is definitely applied!
How is this person steadfast? It's found in the previous verse; "But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night"
Reflections of 2011
As I reflected back over this year, especially the last 5 months or so I really don't like what I see...I am not complaining or going into "looser-land" here but rather being very honest. It's easy for me to hide behind the curtain of this blog, only letting you see what would make ME look or sound perfect normal. But y'all know life can be really hawrd and it's really easy to get knocked down. I see a lot of areas where I am missing the mark. Where my actions and choices resulted in "reactive chaos" rather than obedience to the God I love. Most, if not all of what I see is the result of not being steadfast, not being firm, resolute or abiding. Allowing life's circumstances, the way I'm feeling at the's challenges, the ups and downs affect me to the point of wavering;
"...For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed." James 1:6
So this year closes for me on a bitter-sweet note...I am thankful for a fresh start! I am thankful for a God who will enable me to be more steadfast this year. I am thankful for a God "who is able to do abundantly more than we ask or think"
Do you have a word you've chosen for this year?
Have Your Way...
This is a great word Terri! My words for this year are "Just be". You are right...He can do far more than we could ever imagine! I'm excited to see how He uses your steadfastness this year!
Beautifully written! Thanks for your honesty-- steadfast is a great word for 2012... I look forward to seeing what this year holds for you!
The Lord gave me the same word--Steadfast! And this morning I decided I would memorize Psalm 1.
Blessings in the new year!
Hi Terri! I just found your blog through Much Ado and I love it! What a great word and verse for the year. I am a stay-at-home mom, too, and a runner (well, just getting back to it after six months off). I am looking forward to following along on your journey this year!
my fave verse!!
you are on the road to steadfastness - keep on pressing forward! i can't wait to see how it all unfolds for you. love your transparency :)
Terri, LOVE your word and the verse is PERFECT! And I loved hearing also how "thrive" fitted your year last year. Steadfast is definitely something I would love to be as well. Praying that God will guide you in 2012 on your road to steadfastness. Excited to see your journey unfold this year. Thanks so much for linking up.
Thank you ladies!!! I love your words and thoughts.
Mary Ann that is crazy-fun! I'm thinking about memorizing Psalm 1 also!
Thanks again for all the nice comments!
Just want to encourage you to memorize the chapter, too - a great idea for helping you to stay steadfast.
I have been considering memorizing the chapter Tina! Thanks for the encouragement!
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