Tuesday, December 14
Pardon Me While I Choke Down This GU and Gloat
I will not gloat, I will not gloat...okay maybe just a little. I LOVE Houston WEATHER. On Saturday I ran at Terry Hershey Park (aka) Terri's Chocolate Park=) in shorts and t-shirt. I am not missing the weather in Tulsa which is currently in the teens at all! Oh I know I will pay for all this gloating this Summer when I experience the heat and humidity I hear can get really tough. But for now the temperatures are a huge blessing. Speaking of blessing I ran 9 miles on Saturday! I have not been able to do this kind of distance since my father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer last year. As you know our family had a very difficult year with his illness and death. So getting back to consistent running and some real mileage was a major blessing to me. I know it sounds silly but I was a bit emotional after I got home and talked to my husband about how good it felt to be out running again and for it to not be a run weigh down with so many heart-heavy miles. We miss him terribly but I am thankful that are moving forward and running is once again becoming a true joy in my life. On a side note I am noticing that with this great weather my hydration needs to be increased. I have always used GU because I got freebies of them in the racing bags=) So I just stuck with the GU brand. But I can only handle a couple of the flavors, the rest just have a chemical taste to me. Okay so trying to expand my horizon I decided to try a different brand and bought Accel Gel. The consistency is MUCH thinner but it doesn't seem to have as much gel stuff in the little packet as the GU. I have never felt a burst of energy after taking any gel, nor am I sure I'm suppose too...but I know for sure I am feeling like I need more fluids during my runs. I just bought myself a little 8oz fluid bottle that slips onto my SPIbelt. I put G3 in that, but I'm wondering if I shouldn't be drinking the full strength Gatorade and taking in more GU's (I've been taking one every 4miles). So I'd like to know what Gels and drinks do you use? And do you feel like it makes a difference?
Tuesday, November 30
The Dust has Settled
After two moving trucks, hundreds of boxes, 5 weeks of company, the move is complete. We have officially become Texans! Even though it has been difficult to leave family, friends and many familiar things, I have so much to be thankful for. The move has become a time of great healing on many levels. I thought that the move would bring more challenges and difficulties but instead I have found it to be a time of growth and healing. My running took a serious back seat to the business of the move, but this past month I have been getting back in the swing of a routine and consistent running. Running in my neighborhood is a new thing for me, I prefer parks, but travel is an issue, so most weekly runs are in the neighborhood. I have discovered a park I LOVE and find my way there on Saturdays. Terry Hershey Park reminds me a lot of the River parks in Tulsa. Some of the trails are rolling with a few steep inclines, something I didn't expect to find in Texas. My longest long run so far was this past Saturday of 7 miles. It was slow going, no really I mean sloooooooow, but at least I got the mileage in. I am thankful to be getting back into the routine and look forward to experiencing the Houston (half) Marathon in January. I have not run in an actual race in a couple of years so it will be a bit challenging to negotiate such a large and unfamiliar race. I hope I can just relax and enjoy the moment. I'm sure it will be fun. Based on my current pace I am expecting to run my slowest half ever but, that's okay, a least that's what I keep telling myself=). In light of the year I have had and the many changes that I have recently had to deal with I think I have earned a break this one race. But only this one race because I have my sights on the Dallas Rock n Roll Half in March and then the Oklahoma City Marathon in April. I hope to see a major improvement on my times by then. I have been thinking about the full marathon in April, but would like to see my pace increase in the half first. we will see...if I have learned anything from this past year it's not to plan too far ahead and be flexible. Now I need to go do some dusting=)
My running schedule for this week is
Mon. 6 miles (done) in tank top and shorts
Tues. 5 miles (done) in jacket, gloves and hat (crazy weather)
Wens. 7 miles (whew!done!)
Thurs. off (thankful for this rest day)
Fri. 5 miles
Sat. 8 miles
Many blessings to you as you run the race.
My running schedule for this week is
Mon. 6 miles (done) in tank top and shorts
Tues. 5 miles (done) in jacket, gloves and hat (crazy weather)
Wens. 7 miles (whew!done!)
Thurs. off (thankful for this rest day)
Fri. 5 miles
Sat. 8 miles
Many blessings to you as you run the race.
Wednesday, September 22
I'm Here!!! I'm Here!!!
I'm still here! I just don't have time to do any blogging right now. We are in the process of our move to Houston. We found a wonderful home and will move in next month. I have so much I could share about how God worked so many details out since my father-in-law passed. It was like the flood gates were open after his home-going and God just poured out so many wonderful things. My husband and I are overwhelmed with His kindness toward us. I was even accepted in the Houston Marathon lottery and will be running the half in January. So much to share but too much to do right now. I will begin to post again soon after our move next month. Below is a
picture of our beautiful new home. Many blessings to you.
picture of our beautiful new home. Many blessings to you.

Thursday, August 19
Crossing the Finish Line
Last Thursday evening my husbands dad went to his heavenly home. His family was by his side and he was peaceful and not suffering. Although our hearts our heavy we are thankful he is at peace. I year ago today is when he was first diagnosed with cancer. It has been a long difficult road for my family. My husbands dad has crossed the finish line, his race is complete, he is now experiencing the eternal reward, the unending presence and worship of Christ. My last words as he was taking his final breaths were, "we are right behind you." I look forward to that reunion. Below was one of my father-in-laws favorite verses.
Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.
Isaiah 40:31
Thursday, July 1
A Day at a Time
Well, this will be my last post for a while. As some of you know who are also friends with me on Facebook my husbands dad has taken a turn for the worst and now has lung cancer. As of yesterday he is pretty much bed ridden. Although it is hard to talk about, I know he is nearing the end. My life lately has been a roller coaster...between getting the house ready to sell, helping my mother-in-law, keeping up with my responsibilities as a wife and mom, my plate has never been fuller. I remember an older woman telling me back in 1996 when my husband had cancer to "take one day at a time." This is so true and really is the hardest part for me...I'm a planner. I like to know where the hills, turns, and straightaways are. Knowing what's coming and planning is not what God has allotted for my life right now. It doesn't matter if I don't like going a day at a time, I've never been more certain this is exactly where I need to be. Even in the midst of what feels like a storm I have found joy and a steady resting place in Him. This is a time where all that I know in my head and heart gets put to work in my life. Running lately has been with a heaviness of heart. The trails I run are affectionately known as "Terri's trail of tears" These trails have been a sacred place to pour out my heart before an all wise, loving God that no matter what is always good in His dealings with His children. As of right now my goals and training are on hold. I've thought about some particular races in the fall I would like to run but right now running is just a time to breath, focus my mind and pray. I don't know when I will have time to post about running or anything for that fact, but I will from time to time visit and read your blogs. Until then, may we all pursue that which is eternal and live TODAY for His glory and praise.
Thursday, May 27
As Promised...
My Honey relaxing at Destin Fla.

Our little mermaid
Probably one of the last rocket launches at NASA=(

We had so much fun on vacation to Disney World but my favorite part really was the short time we spent at Destin beach. I hope we can plan more beach vacations in the future. As it looks we are definitely making the move to Houston. I will tell you I have had a mix of emotions. The company my husband works for is flying us to Houston next weekend for a chance to see the area, check out his office and meet our Realtor. It will be a short trip but hopefully one that will bring some of my fears to rest. We will have time to visit one church while we are there. My running has not picked up much since we got back from vacation. It has been a whirlwind of business starting with working on the house to get it ready to sell. I have missed the routine and discipline training for some specific race or goal brings to my life. I hope that this upcoming move will not hinder me much longer from getting back into some type of "normal" running/training schedule. I have already checked the race schedule, a local running club and several of the parks in the Houston area. I hope to get a better sense of how spread out everything is in the Houston area next weekend. It will be a big adjustment. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Pressing on!

Our little mermaid

Oh my how I love key lime pie!
Animal Kingdom

Hollywood Studios and Epcot

Wednesday, May 19
The Bomb Has Dropped!
We are back from vacation and it was tiring but full of great memories! My daughter had a odometer she carried around Disney and Seaworld. The grand total of steps we took throughout our visit to the parks was a whopping 65,000. So when I say tired I mean it! The day after we arrived home my husband was informed his entire department is moving to Houston! That's in Texas folks! Talk about a bomb dropping! The company he works for has slowly been moving all its departments to Houston and his department is the only one left. His job is very secure and has provided us a comfortable living. Unless the Lord shows us otherwise we most likely are going to make the move. I will tell you this is not easy for me, I like routine, I thrive under knowing whats around the next corner and if one word could describe me it would be cookie cutter, okay that's two words but you get the point. I don't do well with change. We have moved before and it did not go well so I am a bit gun shy about this whole thing. BUT I know I have a great God and He will help me because, He is faithful and good and has a perfect plan in all of this and I don't say that lightly! Anyway since this is a running blog I suppose I need to talk about that. My running since the week before and during our trip has been hit and miss. I have not run very much in the past three weeks and I MISS IT LIKE CRAZY!!! Now that we are back home and I have had a couple of days to unpack and begin to process this new information I am anxious to hit the running trails. Does anybody know if Houston has hilly running trails? I love hill training!!! My mind has been spinning...a run would do that some good. Well I will post pictures of our trip in a couple of days and will hopefully be more on top of my blogging this month. I have visited some of your blogs today and look forward to reading up on all these great races you all have been running. Keep pressing on!
Thursday, March 25
The Trees Clap their Hands
Again I have been so tardy with my posting. This is partly due to the fact I am not training for any particular race. Since postponing the marathon in April in lieu of our vacation I have dropped back on my mileage. It has been so nice not to be working and pushing myself training for a race. I have been running a lot but primarily just keeping a good base going (about 24 miles a week). The weather has been terrific and I have been running on the hilly trails near our home. This trail crosses over two main overpasses which I recently discovered are over 22 feet high. Whew! I knew those hills were hard for some reason. I love seeing all the promises of spring blooming on the bushes and trees as I run. I was meditating on Isaiah 55 recently, particularly verses 12-13
"For you will go out with joy And be led forth with peace;
The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you,
And all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Instead of the thorn bush
the cypress will come up, and instead of the nettle the myrtle will come up,
and it will be a memorial to the LORD, For an everlasting sign which
will not be cut off."
You might be familiar with the song that came from verse 12. It sticks in my head often when I am running. Like you I run year round so I get to see the changing seasons on nature. The trees and bushes turning from green to colors of red and gold. Then loose all their leaves hanging barren through the winter cold. Now the trees and bushes are pregnant with the hope of spring. In my mind it personifies these verses...deliverance, hope, joy, redemption. It is a reminder of God's infinite power, and faithfulness, and love to his people year after year, season after season.
Friday, February 19
Hope in the Certainty of Things Unseen
I just could not bring myself to run another day on the treadmill and since hubby had the day off I had no reason. It was in the mid 40's when I left for the hilly trails near our home. I purposely didn't take my watch or the ipod it was just me, God vast creation and the power of prayer. The skies were gray and the clouds thick yet during my run I noticed the suns powerful rays taking over the dim mood the clouds had cast on the trail. The suns power was winning over the gray "lending hope and gladness" to my soul. I began to feel a renewed sense of hope taking over. Hope for the coming of Spring, hope for brighter days ahead, hope that I was finally moving forward in some areas I have struggled with this past year. Hope that the God of this creation will have the final victory and I praised and thanked my God. I know I am emoting but by the end of my run my spirits were renewed and I was reminded afresh why I love to run.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen...Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen...Hebrews 11:1
Tuesday, February 16
Steady as She Goes
I have been so tardy with my posting but even if I did post my recent running activity it would sound so redundant it would bore you all silly. I have been running faithfully on the treadmill and doing my weight workout since my last post. We have had a few days break in the weather but it has consistently remained in the 30's or lower during the time of morning I can get out to run. I am still getting up early to run but I just don't have the motivation this winter to hit the trails in the dark cold. This year I just feel cold all the time so the treadmill is a warm option. Plus I can sleep in a little later since I don't have to drive to the river. I am looking forward to spring!
After last summers running cycle of hit and miss due to some hip pain I put on a few extra pounds. I have the family genetics to be very heavy so I have to really watch what I eat and exercise all the time. When I don't put in consistent effort I put on weight really, really fast. I am literally the smallest person in my family for many generations. Because I struggled to maintain a consistent running schedule last year along with some stressful events I could stand to loose about 20+pounds. Since my last post I have lost about 5 lbs! I am so thankful for this as my body already feels more comfortable, more like it's normal self. I am hoping to loose the rest before our vacation in May.
On a funny note I was reading Jane's post yesterday on incorporating exercise while waiting for other things. So yesterday as I was homeschooling the kids I thought I would give it a try. While I was standing at the table during the history lesson I began to do squats and side leg lifts. My kids looked at me like I had lost my mind. They started laughing asking me what I was doing, I got to laughing so I hard I could only mumble out the word "squats" it was a classic. I think I'll try it again today. Thanks Jane for a good laugh.
"A merry heart does good like a medicine..." Proverbs 17:22
After last summers running cycle of hit and miss due to some hip pain I put on a few extra pounds. I have the family genetics to be very heavy so I have to really watch what I eat and exercise all the time. When I don't put in consistent effort I put on weight really, really fast. I am literally the smallest person in my family for many generations. Because I struggled to maintain a consistent running schedule last year along with some stressful events I could stand to loose about 20+pounds. Since my last post I have lost about 5 lbs! I am so thankful for this as my body already feels more comfortable, more like it's normal self. I am hoping to loose the rest before our vacation in May.
On a funny note I was reading Jane's post yesterday on incorporating exercise while waiting for other things. So yesterday as I was homeschooling the kids I thought I would give it a try. While I was standing at the table during the history lesson I began to do squats and side leg lifts. My kids looked at me like I had lost my mind. They started laughing asking me what I was doing, I got to laughing so I hard I could only mumble out the word "squats" it was a classic. I think I'll try it again today. Thanks Jane for a good laugh.
"A merry heart does good like a medicine..." Proverbs 17:22
Sunday, January 31
"We just want to pump you up"
Do you remember Hans and Franz from Saturday Night Live? I'm dating myself. I was not a fan of SNL but the few times I watched back in the 80's when Hans & Franz came on they always made me laugh. Now that my April marathon goals have been postponed until November, the fact that we have had single digit temps and snow this winter I have revamped my fitness goals. Before we decided to take a family vacation around the same time as my marathon I was up to an hour and a half of running on the treadmill in training for my marathon. That was about all I could handle on the mill even while watching episodes of 24. As I type we have 6 inches of snow covering the ground, so obviously I am going to be on the treadmill for a while longer. Since I no longer need to be working on adding miles I decided about 2 weeks ago to add more strength training into my workouts. I have noticed as I am aging I'm not as strong as I used to be. I have been enjoying adding more weight lifting to my routine. I have even noticed in the few weeks I've been lifting I've been able to add more weight and reps. So for those of you interested this a general outline of what my running/fitness schedule looks like for this week.
M-F Run on the treadmill for 30-40 mins. (with intervals most days)
Sat. I will do a long run (hopefully outside!)
M,W, F-Upper body weighted workout
T & Th-Lower body weighted workout
I do most of my weighted workout using dumbbells. I do have a weight bar and weight bench for chest presses and leg extensions. My biggest challenge is time. Adding this much strength training adds and additional 40-50 mins. of time in addition to my running. So far I have only missed a couple of workouts because I just ran out of time or was too tired after my run. I plan to keep this schedule up as long as I am stuck inside.
Hope you all have a great week. Pressing on with you in health.
M-F Run on the treadmill for 30-40 mins. (with intervals most days)
Sat. I will do a long run (hopefully outside!)
M,W, F-Upper body weighted workout
T & Th-Lower body weighted workout
I do most of my weighted workout using dumbbells. I do have a weight bar and weight bench for chest presses and leg extensions. My biggest challenge is time. Adding this much strength training adds and additional 40-50 mins. of time in addition to my running. So far I have only missed a couple of workouts because I just ran out of time or was too tired after my run. I plan to keep this schedule up as long as I am stuck inside.
Hope you all have a great week. Pressing on with you in health.
Thursday, January 7
Wow! if the past four weeks are indicative of what this new year will be like then this year will fly by just like last year. Honestly I still can't believe a new year is upon me. I have been thinking about my running goals for this new year and have had a really hard time figuring out how to balance life with what my desired goals are. I have had to look realistically at my responsibilities as a wife and homeschool mom and adjust my goals to these priorities. As most of you know My husbands father was diagnosed with incurable cancer back in August 09. This news set our lives on a new path and brought with it some additional responsibilities and stress. The news of my husbands dad came one month prior to our scheduled family vacation with them to Florida and Disney. As difficult as it was to tell our kids the vacation had to be cancelled they never complained or question once our decision. Running this year especially after my father-in-laws diagnosis has been challenging, but at the same time something that kept me moving forward emotionally through some very difficult times. Like many of you the physical highs and lows of running parallel life in so many ways, which is one reason why I love running. One of my desires this year was to finally run that marathon that has alluded me in my 20+ years of running. Now that my husbands dad is in remission my husband and I have had a chance to sit down and evaluated this years goals and plans. My husband is a very loving, wise and godly man. Last year was a very difficult year for both of us in many ways. We both could have used a vacation! So he suggested that we re-plan our original vacation, sooner than later this year. The time he suggested conflicts with my April marathon. I was reluctant at first to give up this goal but I know this is something our whole family needs. Our children have been amazingly mature through this whole process and my heart just wants them to have this time. The weather here has also left me stuck with training a lot on the treadmill. This was one of my biggest concerns for an April marathon. My training has been hindered by the snow storms and single digit temps. I have endured hours on the treadmill but I am no where near where I need to be in my mileage. My competitive nature just doesn't want to run an "okay" first marathon I would like to be strong and finish in a decent time. So with all that, I have set my sights on having a wonderful much needed family vacation and training for my first marathon in November (The Rt. 66 Marathon, hint, hint, Kim). I will probably run some shorter races until then and then there is always my old stand by the Tulsa Run 15k in October (hint, hint Mary Ann). So as for now I am keeping my base mileage up on the treadmill and really looking forward to some warmer weather so I can begin to see what these old legs have in them. In the mean time I will try to update weekly but it may get a bit redundant until I can hit the trails once again. Until then keep pressing on!
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