Part 1 Mouth:
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HELLOOOO --- I Moustache You a Question? |
Breakfast: Green Monster smoothie (pre-run meal) I'll discuss this decision and recipe in a later post.
Snack: 1/2 C (fat free) Cottage Cheese w/ tomato 1/4 avocado chopped.
Lunch: 1 whole and 2 egg whites chopped on 1 s whole grain bread. (a little mayo to hold it together) 1 C veggies.
Snack: 1 T nut butter on celery sticks
Dinner: 1 Protein (fish or chicken) 2 veggies (no starchy carbs)
I realize this may not be enough calories for the day so I will adjust/add more as I listen to my body. In all honesty my biggest problem is, I don't eat, then I binge, so success for me will be to eat at the right times and the right foods. Also you might have noticed no desserts on this list-gasp! Pray for me...
Part 2 Motion:
The plan here is based on my goal for a sub 2hr half. I had mentioned in a previous post about a new fancy scale that I had bought that gives you both weight and body fat percent. Well people I'm in the 30% range. Ouch! Ugh! Sigh! What this means is I am at risk for all kinds of medical issues and being 40++ this is a serious concern. I know that I need to work on building back some of the muscle I have lost over time and the way to ensure that is I am reducing my mileage for two runs a week so I can give more energy to weight training. Here is my plan, I will actually repeat this schedule over the next 6 weeks.
Mon. 4 mi. run + strength training
Tue. 5 mi + 6x hill repeats
Wed. 4 mi. run + strength training
Thur. 5 mi + 6x hill repeats
Fri. Rest with lots of stretching
Sat. Long run
I know I am being rather broad with my list here, but I will get more specific in other post's. For now my plan is to concentrate on upper body and abs for strength work.
Part 3 Mind:
This part is really the back-bone of my workout plan, the key to my success. Having my mind girded for action. How do I plan to do this? I'm glad you asked :) First is to get in the Word of God first thing in the morning. I have a reading plan that I've been using that takes me through the entire bible in a year. One of the things I love about this plan is that I repeat books of the bible several times so I get to really chew on the Word. The other thing is, I plan to memorize another whole book of the bible. Many years ago I memorized the entire book of James, all 5 chapters, word for word, it was life changing. I decided to take on this challenge again and I am looking at memorizing I Peter. As many of you know that have followed me for the past several years God has taken me through some deep trials over the past few years. I have also shared that my physical condition has a lot to do with how I
So there you have it, my three fold plan of attack; mind, motion and mouth. I would love to hear your thoughts, suggestions, and anything you have found that helps you keep pressing on.
I am running the Virginia Beach half also. What a great goal. SUB 2 hr. I in also. Let's do this. Hopefully you will get this post and we can hold each other accountable. Love your blog!
Love the stash! This sounds like a great plan with everything all in check! You are on your way to that goal!!!
That's great Anita! It would be fun to work on this together. 21 weeks is a super long time so maybe we can help each other keep our eyes on the goal!
Makes me think of 1 Timothy 4:8 - one of my favorites!
Sounds like a great plan, Terri!
Awesome! I will be checking your blog. Think it will be fun. A virtual running partner! Best of luck!
which plan are you using for reading thru the bible in a year?
love the 'stache'! it's so you!!!
do share the recipe!
Kate here is a link to the reading plan I have been using
Let me know if you can't pull it up. I'll send it to you via FB mail. He also has a FB site. I sometimes divide the reading in half for the day, it's so flexible that’s another reason I love it.
Try this link Kate, I think it works better. At the bottom of the page you can download the plan♥
PS; it takes me about 40mins to read all 10 chapters, not hard at all!
Hey Terri! thanks for stopping by my blog and the comment. Look forward to following yours. I love your plan and outlook for it all. Those are some hard work outs and diet plan...the 'spiritual food', I pray will fill you up and get you to the finish. I have set out to read the Bible in a year several times and have never completed it. Such a bummer. I might just need to get after it! :)
These are so great goals/plans...sometimes I have found that putting the "motion" before the mouth, helps you put a priority on movement and exercise and less emphasis on " eating or not eating." I like to just think of eating as fueling the body in order to keep it moving and functioning. Truly, that's all that eating is!
I really like your emphasis on the mind, that is true fuel for thought!
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