So to catch you all up on my schedule I have been running 3.5 miles consistently. Unfortunately since having recently increased my mileage by .5 it has re-irritated my hip. So I will hold on increasing my mileage any more until it resolves itself again. I wish I knew what is causing my hip to get irritated...It's getting a bit bothersome but I am trying to not let it take up too much of my mind right now.
I recently purchased this dvd

Yesterday mornings run started out a bit different. The first thing I noticed on my run was there were no rabbits out foraging like they normally are at 5am. The next thing I saw was a huge fox. At first I thought it was a small coyote, but it was a large red fox. This explained why all the bunnies were hiding. Their adversary was lurking around. I thought about the verses in the bible that talk about being on the alert and watchful. I thought about the instruction in Ephesians 6 for the Christian to put on the full armour of God so that we can stand firm in the battle. My life lately has had some very difficult battles. I am at war with an adversary that would like nothing more than to crush my faith. I have been reading "The Christian in Complete Armour" by William Gurnall. In the chapter entitled, The Saint's Call to Arms, he writes; "The outcome of the battle rest on God's performance, not on your skill or strength!" When I consider that it is the Lord who underwrites my battle then I can march on in the hope of His power. He also writes; "To encourage our trust, the Lord often intervenes in mighty ways on behalf of His people. Sometimes He allows an opposing force to arise, so that at precisely the right moment He can raise up a more magnificent pillar of remembrance to Himself. This pillar will stand in the very ruins of that which contested His power. Thus, when He intervenes all must say, Almighty power was here" Wow! doesn't that just make you want to want to say "Praise God." So today I am thankful for that visual picture on my run the other morning, and standing, somewhat wobbly at times but non-the-less with my face fixed to His strength, power and purpose in the battle. So let me encourage you my sisters or as my friend from Alabama would say my "sistas" in arms, in whatever battle you are facing " strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might" Pressing on with you...
I have missed your posts this week Terri! But understand the busyness of life. Thank you so much for this thoughtful post and encouragement. How wonderful to know that we are not alone in the battle, we have God on our side and each other. AMEN!
I love how there are so many metaphors in running.
So sorry to hear that your hip is playing up again, I will continue to pray and also I will pray for the difficult battles you are facing at the moment, that God will help you to stand firm in Him.
Such a sweet post! Thank you for your always encouraging words! I hope your hip issues gets better! We need to be facebook friends(I've been thinking about this for a while)...but, I realized I do not know your last name! Can you email me? There are some things I would like to ask you that doesn't need to be on the blog.
So good to hear from you, Terri!
I've missed you too, but definitely understand the busyness.
I was thinking the same thing about facebook. My email stevewendyv at
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