We have all heard of the acronym KISS “keep it simple stupid.” Since I'm not a fan of the word stupid, I changed the last "s" to summer, and it fits great! I have been MIA from blog-land due to some major changes/responsibilities coming down the pike in our family. In all honesty most days I am struggling to keep ahead of it all. As a result many of the "normal" or regular things in my life right now are simplified down to the basics. One of those is running. I have put aside all “training plans” right now and have just purposed to simply get out and run. Whether it’s 4 miles or 8 miles, the goal is simply to run. I have a few races on my radar for the fall but I am not able to put any focus on those right now. Sadly the Rock-n-Roll Va. Beach half marathon is out for sure. Although we are still going on our vacation to visit my family in Virginia we will be going in July instead of September as originally planned. For someone who is a planner like myself it has not been easy to shift things around. The pressure to keep all the balls in the air right now has been overwhelming at times. I am trying to focus on the fact that the business of some additional responsibilities will pay for itself in a few months. I have been humbled, as I have had to trust Gods plan in all of this knowing He is working out so many fantastic things in the process. I can at times have difficulty seeing past the current circumstances I am in (especially when there are so many things happening) but in this case having simplified some other things in my life has allowed for clarity in the tasks. I’m trusting that in a couple of months the family will be thriving even more and things will be able to shift down a bit. Until then I cling to God’s sovereign purpose in our lives and trust He will give me the grace to manage it as He would have me.
And let us not be weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.
-Galatians 6:9.
Sorry to hear about all the stress and changes. Isn't it good to know that He is our firm foundation and never changes? I recommend Ps. 46 to remind yourself of the truth.
I think you are wise to cut back on the races and just focus on running and staying in shape.
May you find Him faithful!
Mary Ann
I'm so sorry to hear that you have been dealt a heavy hand lately! I pray that God would daily fill your cup with the strength you need!
isn't it a weet relief to know He has it all planned out?!! now, if we could just settle in for the ride! praying things get into a smooth grove for you soon. :)
Praying for you, Terri.
Thank you for always sharing the good and the bad, and praising God in all things.
You are a dear friend.
HE would not challenge us more then he thought we could handle. God knows our capabilities and often gives us a nudge. Trust and believe. But you may have to travel threw the valley to see the other mountain top.
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