We are back from vacation and it was tiring but full of great memories! My daughter had a odometer she carried around Disney and Seaworld. The grand total of steps we took throughout our visit to the parks was a whopping 65,000. So when I say tired I mean it! The day after we arrived home my husband was informed his entire department is moving to Houston! That's in Texas folks! Talk about a bomb dropping! The company he works for has slowly been moving all its departments to Houston and his department is the only one left. His job is very secure and has provided us a comfortable living. Unless the Lord shows us otherwise we most likely are going to make the move. I will tell you this is not easy for me, I like routine, I thrive under knowing whats around the next corner and if one word could describe me it would be cookie cutter, okay that's two words but you get the point. I don't do well with change. We have moved before and it did not go well so I am a bit gun shy about this whole thing. BUT I know I have a great God and He will help me because, He is faithful and good and has a perfect plan in all of this and I don't say that lightly! Anyway since this is a running blog I suppose I need to talk about that. My running since the week before and during our trip has been hit and miss. I have not run very much in the past three weeks and I MISS IT LIKE CRAZY!!! Now that we are back home and I have had a couple of days to unpack and begin to process this new information I am anxious to hit the running trails. Does anybody know if Houston has hilly running trails? I love hill training!!! My mind has been spinning...a run would do that some good. Well I will post pictures of our trip in a couple of days and will hopefully be more on top of my blogging this month. I have visited some of your blogs today and look forward to reading up on all these great races you all have been running. Keep pressing on!